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  • 24 hour medical team
  • UK’s only purpose-built clinic
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Addiction to prescription drugs is medically recognised as a chronic and progressive brain disorder that manifests in compulsive drug taking regardless of risk to personal health, finances, relationships, career and development.

If you or a loved one are struggling with an addiction to prescription drugs, the first thing to understand is that whilst you may feel hopeless, with the correct treatment and ongoing support recovery IS possible.

At Delamere we provide a CQC registered prescription drug detox and rehabilitation facility, set in the beautiful and peaceful countryside of Cheshire.

Our rehab is purpose built to enable recovery from all manner of addictions, including addiction to prescription drugs. The cutting-edge evidence based treatments we offer are delivered by some of the UKs top addiction treatment experts.

When considering a recovery programme for a prescription drug addiction, it is important that the programme is developed with you as the central focus.

We take great pride in our very individualised approach to addiction recovery. At Delamere, we offer a caring and compassionate environment that affords the highest quality of medicinal and therapeutic care; an environment that is conducive to healing, recovery and growth.

Successfully meeting your individual treatment needs

It is well recognised that a person who suffers from prescription drug addiction requires specialist treatment that is very much person centred in its approach

Drug addiction is strongly characterised by compulsion, progression and relapse. Left untreated, this devastating brain disorder frequently takes lives.

It can take multiple courses of treatment IF the sufferer is not comprehensively treated and then continually supported once inpatient treatment has ceased (1)

Successful treatment of prescription drug addiction often requires different stages and components. Depending on the severity of the addiction, medical detoxification from the prescription drug, counselling, therapy, medications and aftercare are all basic elements of a comprehensive prescription drug addiction treatment programme (1)

components of comprehensive drug abuse programmes

Source: National Institute on drug Abuse (NIDA)

The first stage in recovery from prescription drug addiction – Medical detox

Recovery from prescription drug addiction requires 3 defined stages. The first stage, where a prescription drug dependence is identified, is a full medical detox

Delamere tailor our medical detoxes to each individual person. The medical detox that will prove most successful for you needs to account for the severity of your drug dependence, the type of prescription drug you are taking and duration of your addiction.

Following a comprehensive physical and psychological examination by our Consultant Psychiatrist, you will be prescribed an approved prescription medication regime. The purpose of this is to enable you to detox as comfortably and safely as possible.

Whilst undergoing a prescription drug detox at Delamere, you will be continually monitored and supported 24/7 by our elite team of qualified nursing staff and counsellors and therapists.

Medical detoxes are clinically recognised as the safest way of detoxing from any alcohol or drug dependence. They work by reducing (and in many cases completely eradicating) the withdrawal symptoms associated with the particular prescription drug you are addicted to.

Rehabilitation process at Delamere rehab clinic Detox safely in our medical facility
Healing through specialized treatment at Delamere Free collection
Holistic treatment approach at Delamere clinic Future-proof

The second stage of recovery from prescription drug addiction – Addiction rehabilitation

The second stage of recovery from prescription drug addiction is to address the underlying issues and behaviours that drive the addiction.

Those who abuse prescription drugs do so for their effects. It is not just a simple case of trying to escape the pressures of life, they are mainly trying to escape themselves.

A comprehensive addiction rehabilitation programme can be applied once the prescription drugs have been safely removed through a medical detox. Ideally, rehabilitation should commence as soon as the detox has been completed.

At Delamere we deliver a number of evidence based addiction treatment models, each tailored to your individual treatment needs, whether that be physically, psychologically, behaviourally, environmentally or socially. It is vital that treatment incorporates every single aspect of you, your life, and that no stone is left unturned.

Struggling with prescription drug addiction? Talk to us today

During the second stage of prescription drug addiction treatment you will start to feel a substantial shift from addictive addiction to learning to live a life free from unhealthy behaviours and addictive substances.

You will start to feel and look much much better. Your outlook on life will start to change. You will gain interest in looking after yourself and in helping others. You will start to understand that by committing to recovery, recovery IS possible.

Aftercare and integration – Third stage of recovery from prescription drug addiction

Living a life reliant on prescription drugs, you will never have learned how to grow in your personal development. Life, at first, can be scarily ‘sharp’ once the fog of intoxication has been lifted. Emotions will feel magnified as years of suppressed trauma, anger, fear, guilt and shame come to the surface.

Delamere are very proactive in all of our patients’ continued recovery from addiction. Addiction is a chronic disease, so comprehensive and specialised treatment is a must.

The disease of addiction tends to recur when treatment is ceased (2) This is why Delamere continues to support our patients and their families for as long as they need, post inpatient treatment.

During the second phase of your addiction treatment with us, you will have learned numerous ways in which to process thoughts and emotions in a healthier way. You will have gained tools and techniques that will enable you to live life on life’s terms – without the need or want for chemical relief or intoxication.

Our third stage of prescription drug addiction treatment supports you in implementing what you have learned into your day to day living.

Addiction treatment does not cure addiction, sadly there is no cure. What it does do, is to show you a way of life that is free from addiction. A way of living in which you can continue to flourish and grow. With Delamere you do not have to do this alone.

Even once you have completed your inpatient treatment programme with us, you will remain part of the Delamere family. We will continue to support you in mending relations with family and loved ones, finding your purpose in life through giving back to others and supporting you in accessing education and work. We will also assist you in finding a healthy living environment and a support network that is conducive to your ongoing recovery.

Evidence based treatments for prescription drug addiction at Delamere

At Delamere we only use the latest in thoroughly researched evidence based addiction treatments. Every stage of your treatment will incorporate both therapeutic and pharmacological treatments wherever needed.

The evidence based treatments that we use to effectively treat prescription drug addiction include:

  • Full medical detox
  • Individual addiction counselling
  • Group therapy
  • Cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT)
  • Dialectical behavioural therapy (DBT)
  • Bereavement counselling
  • Trauma release techniques
  • Relapse prevention techniques
  • Educational workshops on addiction and recovery
  • Integrated therapy (a combination of psychotherapy and counselling)
  • Dual diagnosis treatment (simultaneous treatment of any mental health illness that presents alongside your addiction)
  • 12 step therapy
  • Holistic programme – including evidence based complementary and holistic therapies such as equine therapy, yoga, fitness, mindfulness, meditation and art, to name a few
  • Family therapy
  • Comprehensive aftercare and integration programme
  • Recovery renewal retreats

To find out how we can help you or a loved one recover from prescription drug addiction, call and speak with one of our Delamere addiction treatment experts today.

Overcoming addiction at Delamere recovery center
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Call us now: 0330 111 2015