
Compliments, complaints and feedback

At Delamere we welcome feedback about the service we provide. 

Our company value ‘We get better everyday’ means we a constantly strive to improve what we do for the benefit of guests who chose to stay with us. We believe this is best achieved by listening to our guests and responding to their feedback.

We are fortunate to receive lots of thank you cards and compliments, which mean a great deal to the team who work here at Delamere.  

If you have any comments - or concerns, we’d love to hear from you and would ask that you direct these to our Registered Manager at the following email address : [email protected] 

If you wish to make a complaint, our complaints policy is below:

Complaints Process

Throughout your stay we will invite you to offer feedback in order that we can continue to improve the Delamere experience for guests. 

If you are unhappy or dissatisfied in any way, please let us know straight away and we will do what we can to put things right.  In many cases your care team will be able to solve the problem for you.  Otherwise, our Operations Director or a senior colleague here will be happy to help. 

We aim to resolve any problems as quickly and as informally as possible. We will investigate the situation in order that we can explain, apologise and put things right for you. 

If you are not completely satisfied, you may wish to put your comments in writing. We take all complaints seriously and always:

  • Keep confidential the handling of complaints 
  • Investigate thoroughly and impartially 
  • Offer a clear explanation 
  • Pass on positive praise to colleagues 

Write to us 

Our Operations Director is responsible for the day to day running of the clinic and is best placed to investigate complaints promptly.  You or your representative (assuming consent is provided), can make a complaint by emailing us at [email protected] or writing a letter outlining:

What Information Should I Include in my Complaint

When making your complaint, please provide us with your full name, date of birth, date of admission, date of discharge, details of which postal or email address we should send our response to, the details of your complaint specifying the relevant dates, locations and names of persons involved in any concern you have and, what outcome you would like to see.

Our response

We will acknowledge your complaint within 3 working days. We will then respond in full as soon as we are able, usually within 20 working days. If more time is required to investigate and respond to your complaint we will let you know in writing. If, on receipt of our Registered Manager’s written response, you can escalate your complaint for review at our Head Office. The Director’s response will make clear where to send your correspondence.

You may wish to also write to the Care Quality Commission (CQC). Although they don’t investigate individual complaints, they still want to hear from you if you aren’t happy about the care you receive. To contact the Care Quality Commission call 03000 616161, email [email protected] or visit the CQC website.

Time Limits

We ask that you make your complaint as soon as the matter comes to your attention and within 28 days of the event complained about. We may accept complaints after this time limit if making the complaint earlier was not possible for a good reason. Complaints received after this time limit become more difficult to investigate, where we do accept an out of time complaint we will always fully investigate the matter to the extent that the passage of time allows us to.


When investigating your complaint we will discuss your complaint with clinicians, managers and staff who are involved in your care and treatment. If we need to discuss your complaint with any other person because your complaint involves them we will seek your consent before we do so. We will never share details of your complaint or our response with any other person except as we may be required to do so by law for example, we may need to disclose the details of your complaint to the CQC.

Third Parties

If the complaint is made on your behalf by someone else, we will require your written and verified consent confirming that you wish for this person to act on your behalf and, that you understand and agree that when we respond to your complaint we may share confidential and sensitive information about you, your stay here and your care and treatment with the third party. If you wish to make a complaint through a third party please contact us for the necessary consent form.

Address for the Complaints:

Delamere Health Ltd 

Forest Road 




Email address for complaints : [email protected]

Telephone Number for Complaints : 01606537620