“At Delamere, we provide a caring, compassionate, soothing environment to help people change the directions of their lives.”
Morphine Addiction
Delamere provides morphine addiction treatment for those with an unhealthy relationship with the substance. Morphine’s powerful sedative and euphoric effects make it a very popular drug for abuse.

If you have found this page because you or a loved one are struggling with a morphine addiction, we offer a deliberately intensive 4-phase treatment for morphine addiction to help you get to the root cause of your addiction and begin and maintain a life in recovery.
United by the shared goal of seeing our guests free from morphine addiction, our multidisciplinary Delamere team is the real heart of our private rehab clinic. Comprising doctors, 24-hour on-site nurses, therapists, mentors, and well-being staff, many members of our team can approach treatment from a place of total understanding by calling upon their own addiction and recovery experiences.
We have found lived experience practitioners to be an invaluable resource to our guests, helping them see a way forward and find a common ground.
Whether you have tried morphine addiction treatment before or have hit breaking point, our Delamere addiction treatment model has been crafted with the help of industry leaders to bring about lasting change in a relatively short space of time. We strongly believe that with the right tools and support anyone can set themselves free of morphine addiction and take back control of their life.
Modern day addiction treatment
“I really quite quickly settled in, the staff were amazing, and I just felt safe and that I could just kind of put a stop to my life and start working out what I really wanted going forward.”
– Simon, Former Delamere guest
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When to seek morphine addiction treatment
Morphine works directly on the central nervous system as a depressant, reducing pain signals or stopping them entirely from reaching the brain. Its use also encourages the production of feel-good chemicals in the brain. This is what makes the user feel good whilst providing very effective pain relief. As with all controlled medications, morphine does come with unpleasant side effects. The side effects of morphine can become particularly problematic when the drug is used for prolonged periods of time. Morphine rehab at Delamere can provide those suffering from a morphine addiction with a second chance at life. It is important to remember that a prescription drug addiction is a progressive disorder and inaction will only reduce the chances of recovery.
If you see the following signs and signals of morphine addiction in yourself or someone you care for it is time to seek morphine addiction help:
- Obsessive thoughts about obtaining morphine
- Continued use despite adverse effects
- Strained relationships and diminished interests
- Feelings of depression, anxiety, and entrapment
- Shame, guilt, and persistent cravings
- Frequent intoxication from morphine
- Experiencing distinct withdrawal symptoms

The Delamere approach to morphine addiction treatment
An inpatient stay at Delamere is a deliberately intensive 4-phase morphine addiction treatment, one which we have crafted over time and has helped many participants recover. Our emphasis is on holistic care to treat addiction and associated issues. This means that we treat the whole person rather than just the symptoms they present with. We believe that successful treatment runs far deeper than simply stopping the addictive substance or behaviour.
Our approach at Delamere comprises 4 core phases: Stop, Start, Grow, & Bloom. Everything we offer at Delamere aims at effective and lasting outcomes in addiction treatment:
How to encourage a loved one to get morphine addiction treatment
Morphine addiction can have disastrous consequences for both the active user and those around them. If you have found this page because you are concerned a loved one is in denial about a morphine addiction, we’re glad you’re taking the steps to help them see the problem. It is important to make your loved one aware that you are there for them if they are open to receiving help. Our family support services are here to help you and your loved one navigate this challenging time.
Should it be necessary, at Delamere we also provide intervention services with our qualified team of compassionate and understanding professionals to help your loved one enter into a morphine detox and rehab programme at Delamere.
Frequently asked questions about morphine addiction
In 2019 there were significant concerns raised by the public media about the overprescribing of addictive opiate drugs. Public Health England (PHE) revealed there had been more than a 60% increase in prescriptions issued for opioid drugs over the past decade. Many of these prescriptions were for morphine. This has led to the government placing prominent warning labels regarding addiction to all opiate drugs.
Morphine is an addictive prescription drug and its dependency will only worsen over time. Seeking help as early as possible will give you the best chance of recovery.
As well as the signs and symptoms of morphine addiction there are distinct signs of morphine abuse you may be able to identify if you are concerned about a loved one. These include:
- Appearing drunk.
- Slurred, slow, or delayed speech.
- Nodding in and out of sleep.
- Pinpoint pupils.
- Reduced respiratory rate, slow or shallow breathing.
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Help and Support for Morphine Addiction Recovery
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