Relapse Support Help Guides
The prospect of relapsing in recovery after all your hard work can be terrifying. Discover tried-and-tested mechanisms in our relapse support help guides for preventing relapse if you feel close to returning to addictive behaviours as well as strategies to support you or a loved one if relapse does occur, plus much more.

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The relapse and recovery cycle explained
What is the difference between a slip and relapse?
How often do people relapse?
How to deal with relapse in recovery?
The stages of alcohol or drug relapse (process)
5 rules to help to prevent a relapse
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Warning signs of a potential relapse
The stages of alcohol or drug relapse (process)
What is the difference between a slip and relapse?
What does it mean to relapse?
5 rules to help to prevent a relapse
How to recover from a relapse or slip?