Support for Family & Friends
At Delamere, we understand just how frightening and frustrating it can be to watch someone lose themselves to addiction. Whether you’re looking for addiction support for a loved one, a friend, or a work colleague, or simply want to develop coping strategies for yourself when dealing with someone with addiction, our family and friends support guides offer valuable information and strategies to help someone with an active addiction and find answers to your concerns, plus much more.

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Codependency and addiction
Effects of alcoholism on families
5 ways to spot a potential eating disorder in friends and family
What’s included? Introduction Signs to watch out for with a... -
The relapse and recovery cycle explained
Warning signs of a potential relapse
What is the difference between a slip and relapse?
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Effects of alcoholism on families
A Guide To Christmas In Recovery
Christmas time can be a daunting period in recovery. Especially... -
How to help an alcoholic parent
How To Help An Alcoholic: Six Things You Can Do Right Now
Knowing how to help an alcoholic can be a challenging,... -
Warning signs of a potential relapse
What is the difference between a slip and relapse?
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Codependency and addiction
Effects of alcoholism on families
How to help someone with depression
Being told to ‘cheer up’ or ‘snap out of it’ isn’t helpful for someone with depression. -
Building a support network: Friends and family in recovery
What’s included? Introduction Why is a support network important in... -
Signs & symptoms of drug addiction
Discover more advice on the Delamere blog
The Power of Sleep in Recovery: Why Rest is Your Secret Weapon
Delamere talks about the power of sleep in addiction recovery, and how important sleep quality is to your recovery.
Helping a Loved One Who Relapsed
Relapse can be a challenging and emotional experience, not only for the individual who is struggling with addiction – so how can you help?
How to manage your Cravings this Christmas – Why not try ‘urge surfing’?
The run up to Christmas is a challenging time for people suffering with addiction problems. Urge surfing is a technique that will help to manage cravings effectively.
Spotting and supporting those with ‘winter depression’
Help with spotting and supporting those with ‘winter depression’. Find out about Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) at Delamere.