There has been a growing level of awareness & education about eating disorders in recent years. Delamere discusses the issue.
Delamere FAQs
Find a list of our frequently asked questions about Delamere. Please get in touch with our admissions team for more information.

FAQs about Delamere
On a guest’s second Sunday at Delamere, they’re able to take advantage of our ‘Family and Friend’s Connection Day’. This involves two family members or friends of the guest’s choosing, visiting the clinic.
During the visit colleagues at Delamere provide loved ones with education and insight around addiction, recovery and mental health. Following the session, loved ones can visit in the communal areas of the clinic.
Later into a guests stay, there is opportunity for offsite leave with friends and family. All on and offsite leave options are optional and will be managed carefully and safely with the support of the Delamere team.
Guests should not drive to Delamere and we are unable to allow a guest to keep a vehicle on site during their stay. We offer a collection service and transportation to Delamere is included in our room rates. We encourage guests to take advantage of this, or, if they prefer, to arrange a lift from a friend or loved one.
Guests are able to bring their phones and laptops on site. We believe it is important for guests to maintain contact with family, friends and their wider support network.
However, we encourage guests to leave their devices in their rooms during group time and we do not accept use of personal devices during either 1:1 or group sessions.
On-site facilities include:
- 6 acres of outdoor space with walking paths
- Fully equipped Gymnasium & Personal Training
- Yoga studio
- Art room
- Fire pit
- Memorial space
- Ping-pong table
- Guest lounges
- Drinks stations
- Laundry facilities
Activities at Delamere are numerous and varied.
Above and beyond Equine Assisted Psychotherapy, Yoga, Reiki, Drumming, Creative Expression Groups and Music groups, popular activities include our Mind, Body, Spirit Saturdays, Bake-off competitions and ping pong.
Please see below a list of items of suggested items you may want to bring with you.
- Usual toiletries / personal care items – Complimentary shampoo, conditioner & hand wash are provided.
- Outdoor clothing including a waterproof coat and all-weather shoes for excursions, walks etc.
- Comfortable / casual clothing – We have full laundry facilities on site so 1 weeks’ worth of clothing should be more than sufficient.
- Gym attire – We would encourage you to use the on-site gym, though it is not obligatory.
- A tablet or lap top computer.
- Mobile phone and charging cable / plug.
Our admissions team will support you with any further questions around what you can and cannot bring on site, ahead of admission.
Our weekly aftercare program lasts for 15 months and is an opportunity for you to stay connected and to celebrate your new life, safe in the knowledge that we are here to support you.
In the first 12 weeks after leaving Delamere guests join our ‘Bloom’ programme which. This is a weekly session facilitated in a group setting, which you can attend onsite at Delamere or, online.
Following completion of Bloom, we offer a further 12 months of aftercare which includes weekly therapy groups, connection days and remote support for all clients who complete our treatment programmes.
Guests are permitted to smoke and vape in the designated outside smoking area. Guests will be shown where this is during their initial orientation to site.
All guests at Delamere are assigned a focal care team for the duration of their stay. This is made up of a therapist, recovery mentor and registered nurse.
We have team on site 24 hours a day. We’re very proud to provide 24/7 nursing at Delamere.
We are focussed on creating healthy, home cooked food here at Delamere. There is a variety of options available at meal times and as part of the pre-admission process, we will establish is you have any specific dietary requirements.
What if the road to recovery looked different?
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Start your recovery journey by contacting us today.
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