“If alcohol is costing you more than money and you’re unable to set limits around the amount you’re drinking, it’s time to seek professional help. There is no shame in asking for help with addiction. Myself and many of my colleagues have been there and we’re passionate about providing the right setting in which people can recover.”
Alcohol Rehab
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Delamere alcohol rehab
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce hendrerit mi a velit luctus, vitae finibus elit semper. Ut sed justo eget ligula ultrices tincidunt eu ut dui. Pellentesque nec massa id risus pharetra vulputate eu a elit. Vestibulum congue eros ac mi fermentum, non accumsan justo ullamcorper.
What’s involved in an alcohol or drug detox?
“The 28 days recovery I completed has changed my life and put a whole new perspective on my life and I can’t thank the lovely staff for all the support they provided me on my down days. Staff that you really do connect with and have respect for you. Highly recommended. Will always hold my journey in Delamere in my heart as it’s changed my whole outlook and perspective on my future.”
Why is alcohol rehab important?
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What happens in alcohol rehab at Delamere?
There are three distinct stages of treatment during alcohol rehab at Delamere:
- STAGE 1Stop
The initial phase of treatment at Delamere, ‘Stop’, attends to the physical aspects of recovery and provides a light introduction to therapy and addiction education. This phase is about helping guests ‘press the pause button’, stabilise, and settle into our environment.
For guests requiring a medical detox, this is managed by our 24-hour medical team. As the addictive fog starts to lift and guests start to feel physically more robust, we introduce light therapy and core assignment work, which prepares participants for later modules.
- STAGE 2Start
Here we introduce our more intensive, structured programme. Guests are feeling stronger, healthier and more confident to engage with peers and their therapy team. ‘Start’ begins to identify and explore many of the emotional triggers which begin to make themselves evident. Addiction always comes from somewhere and working through this with our professional help is where real, lasting progress is to be found.
You can expect a wide range of activities and therapies which help you process what’s been happening and start to heal and recalibrate such as group therapy, peer support, and 1-1 psychotherapy. A focal counsellor is allocated to each guest who becomes the guardian of their care plan. This phase of treatment tends to last 14 days.
- STAGE 3Grow
Our ‘Grow’ phase is the process of integrating the Delamere learning experience into life after treatment. Risks, triggers, and personality traits are identified and a detailed plan for returning home is prepared. This stage tends to last 7 days and on completion, each guest is stable in their recovery and has acquired the tools they need to protect and maintain. Guests present their graduation ceremony as they complete their stay, allowing the changes they have made to be seen, heard and witnessed.
- STAGE 4Bloom
On completion of Stop, Start, Grow guests return home and embark on the early phases of recovery, receiving intensive support on a weekly basis for the first three months. This initial period of recovery is formative and support is vital. It’s a period during which a defence against a return to active addiction is built and the foundations of an enduring recovery are established.
Each week, guests reconvene with a small peer group of up to 5 alumni guests who work alongside two of Delamere’s dedicated Bloom Mentors. Collectively each Bloom cohort works through our bespoke syllabus of twelve weekly modules which have been crafted to support the first three months of recovery.
- Aftercare
Once a guest has completed the residential components of The Delamere Treatment Model, they are encouraged to return for aftercare sessions which run alongside Bloom sessions for 12 weeks and then on a weekly basis for 12 months thereafter.
How to encourage a loved one to go to rehab
If you are looking to help a family member, work colleague, or loved one, admit themselves to an addiction rehabilitation centre, we’re here to help. It may be that the person in question is in denial about the extent of their problem, possibly even refusing to acknowledge that there’s a problem – and resisting professional help. At Delamere, we provide family support services and help your loved one confront addiction and denial.
Should it be necessary, we also offer intervention services whereby we take the time to understand what is happening and help prepare and rehearse a formal intervention that will culminate in your loved one entering treatment with us. If you are considering organising an intervention for your loved one, friend, or colleague, contact Delamere today.
Frequently asked questions about alcohol rehab
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Let us help you today
Start your recovery journey by contacting us today.
Confidential. Straightforward. Friendly.
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