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Recovering from alcoholism is not a straightforward or easy process. More often than not some form of professional help and treatment is required.

Whilst the process for a recovering alcoholic is undoubtedly challenging, it is possible and very much worthwhile. In many cases of alcohol addiction, recovery is lifesaving and necessary to survival.

If you or a loved one need help in recovering from alcoholism and are interested to learn more, then this page is designed to help break down the process of alcoholic recovery and explain each step.

Our Delamere team are also here to help and advise you over the phone, free of charge. We individually design each alcohol recovery programme so that ALL of your treatment needs are met comprehensively.

Group members supporting upset woman with drug addiction in rehab center

The recovery process in 7 simple steps

From active alcoholism to daily sober living, there are a number of steps to the process of recovery. These steps need to be taken in order for the best long term outcome.

The steps may seem simple in themselves but we don’t underestimate the courage and commitment it takes to make each one.

Below, we have outlined the steps of recovery that we deem necessary to recover from alcohol addiction.

Step 1

Asking for the right help. It is important to ask for the right help. A doctor, someone in recovery from alcoholism, an alcohol counsellor or one of our Delamere alcohol experts can help advise and support you in accessing alcohol recovery.

Step 2

Stopping alcohol safely. If you are alcohol dependent then you will need to undergo an alcohol detox to ensure you stop alcohol safely. At Delamere we put your safety and comfort first, providing a full medical alcohol detox overseen 24/7 by our team of doctors, counsellors and qualified nursing staff.

Step 3

Resolving and healing the reasons why you drank. Once you have safely stopped drinking it is vital that the reasons why you drank are comprehensively addressed. This will help you to better understand yourself and assist in preventing relapse. Trauma and personal issues should be treated by a qualified therapist/counsellor. Mental health illnesses will also need to be comprehensively treated by a doctor and therapist.

Step 4

Learning new coping strategies and recovery behaviour. In order to avoid reverting to your old coping strategy of drinking and dysfunctional behaviours, it is essential to learn new and healthily coping mechanisms. These techniques can be learned through cognitive behavioural therapies. Certain holistic therapies are also proven to assist the healing and recovery process.

Step 5

Implementing change into your life and fool proofing your recovery against relapse. Learning the tools of recovery is one thing, implementing them under pressure is quite another. You will make mistakes. As long as you do your best to rectify them and regard your recovery from alcoholism as a learning curve, you will continue in your personal growth

Step 6

Ensuring you have the right support to help you maintain alcoholic recovery and continue to grow. Your old drinking friends will be of no use to you getting sober. As a recovering alcoholic it is important to have the right ongoing help and support, accessed in a temptation free environment. This may be in the form of attending AA meetings, seeing an alcohol counsellor or attending rehab aftercare.

Step 7

Continue to practice and use the tools of recovery. There is no magic pill when it comes to recovering from alcohol addiction. It takes time, patience, perseverance and willingness to continually adapt and evolve. If you continue to put the tools of recovery into practical application on a daily basis you will reap all the benefits alcoholic recovery has to offer.

If you choose to allow Delamere to help you, we guarantee you will never look back. We will make each step accomplishable with our professional help and support throughout the entire recovery process.

Struggling with alcohol addiction? Talk to us today

Commitment to alcohol recovery

Recovery from alcoholism is not something you can achieve half heartedly, or on your own.

Alcoholism is a chronic relapsing brain disease and progressive in nature. If you really want to overcome your dysfunctional relationship with alcohol, there is so much more needed than just stopping drinking.

An alcoholic brain will still see alcohol as a solution to problems and feelings UNLESS you are committed to change and open to learning new coping strategies.

Healing and change often requires professional treatment, counselling and ongoing support. All the feelings that have been suppressed by alcohol will come to the surface when you finally manage to stop. This is why it is essential to deal with these emotions, thoughts and feelings in a proven and safe way.

Many recovering alcoholics require ongoing support for the rest of their lives in order to stay sober. There is no shame in needing support, your recovery will always need to come first.

Rehabilitation process at Delamere rehab clinic Detox safely in our medical facility
Healing through specialized treatment at Delamere Free collection
Holistic treatment approach at Delamere clinic Future-proof

The process of alcohol recovery at Delamere

At Delamere we witness the miracle of recovering from alcoholism on a daily basis. That’s because we are dedicated to professionally helping each of our guests take each recovery step.

By undergoing alcohol treatment at Delamere you will never be alone. Our multidisciplinary team of doctors, nurses, alcohol counsellors and holistic therapists will be with you every step of your inpatient journey. Our experts and purpose built treatment facilities are well equipped to treat every aspect of alcoholism, including common co occurring mental health illnesses.

Furthermore, our support and care doesn’t end when inpatient treatment does. Following successful medical detoxification and rehabilitation, we will support you in implementing all you have learned back home. Providing supported visits were necessary and keeping our doors and ears open whenever you need that extra support.

For more information on how we at Delamere can uniquely help you as an individual to recover from alcoholism, call and speak to a member of our addiction treatment team today.