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Can you get free rehab on the NHS?

The first thing to understand when weighing up the pros and cons of private rehab vs NHS rehab (free rehab) is that there is no such thing as an NHS rehab for drug and alcohol addiction.

Only private rehabs exist, but some will have spaces reserved for patients who receive rehab funding from the NHS.

Those that receive funding from the NHS for rehab will receive the same level of care and treatment as those that are privately paying for their treatment.

NHS rehab funding is very limited these days. This is due to dramatic cuts to drug and alcohol services throughout the UK. These cuts have also impacted on private rehabs who relied on a certain percentage of their programmes to be filled by NHS funded patients.

Thank you to NHS heroes banner on building

As a direct result of the substantial government funding cuts to addiction treatment services for the NHS, a third of all CQC registered rehabs across the UK have sadly had to close their doors permanently to business.

The closure of rehabs across the UK has further negatively impacted, causing a rise in drug and alcohol related deaths. Heartbreakingly, it is society’s most vulnerable and in need of NHS treatment that suffer the most.

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The pros and cons of private rehab vs. NHS rehab

If you are weighing up the pros and cons of whether to apply for rehab funding through your local NHS drug and alcohol services, there are certain facts you need to be aware of.

Pros of NHS rehab

  • It is free and you will receive full funding for at least a primary care treatment programme
  • You will undergo a process delivered by your local drug and alcohol services to mentally and physically prepare you for entering rehab prior to being admitted
  • You may receive funding for secondary care if your primary care treatment proves successful
  • If you do not have the means to self fund rehab, the NHS is most definitely an option

Cons of NHS rehab

  • There are no NHS rehabs, only government funded rehab places.
  • You may have to detox before entering rehab, or at the very least reduce your drug and alcohol intake to prove you are willing.
  • You will need to attend many appointments and groups, again, to prove you are willing to change.
  • You will have to undergo a rehab preparation course.
  • Waiting lists are extremely lengthily due to lack of funding and the huge number of people who apply for rehab on the NHS.
  • Whilst attending courses and appointments at your local DAT ( drug and alcohol alcohol team) you will be with others who may be attending as they have a court order that requires them to do so. Some of these people may have no interest in getting clean and as a result bring tension and disruption to groups.
  • If you are very physically and mentally unwell from your addiction you may not have the luxury of waiting for rehab on your side.
  • You may struggle to meet all the required criteria for NHS rehab funding.
  • Whilst no drugs or alcohol are allowed inside DAT premises, many that attend, hang around outside dealing drugs and drinking. This is not a temptation free environment.
  • Even if you meet all of the criteria for NHS funding, there is still no guarantee of a rehab placement depending on your local authorities allocated budget.
  • Sadly, many who really need NHS funding for rehab die as a result of being too poorly to meet all of the requirements and/or the lengthily wait times.
  • You may not have a choice in the rehab you attend or the programme you undergo.
  • NHS will not fund process addiction treatment (activity of behavioural based addictions such as sex or gambling).
  • The NHS treat mental health and addiction separately which is proven to be unsuccessful in the majority of cases.
  • You will not be able to secure funding for a prescription pill addiction or over the counter medicine addiction.
  • Funding preference tends to be offered to those that suffer with alcoholism or crack and heroin addiction as these addictions cause the most economical harm, deaths and impact on society.

Thank you NHS banner with a rainbow

Pros of private rehab

  • No waiting lists. Immediate and in many cases same day admissions are possible.
  • You get to choose which rehab you attend and the programme you undertake.
  • You can choose to undergo a full medical detox within a private rehab.
  • Cooccurring illnesses and addiction are treated simultaneously within the one treatment episode by attending the right rehab for you.
  • You can choose between a traditional rehab programme, a holistic rehab programme or a combination of both.
  • You can choose a rehab that offers bespoke treatment.
  • You can choose a budget or luxury rehab and everything in between.
  • You can choose the length of programme you attend.
  • Private rehab staff will work with you and your family to ensure a seamless admission.
  • No admission criteria other than you want help for a substance abuse problem.
  • You can undergo treatment for a process addiction by self funding a private rehab.
  • Your family and significant others can be very much part of your rehabilitation process by choosing the right private rehab for you.
  • You can choose to attend a local rehab or even one overseas by self funding. The choice is yours.
  • If you want private rehab, applying for a placement is as easy as picking up the phone and calling the rehab of your choice.
  • Sometimes family and friends will rally round to raise the funds for rehab if you cannot do so yourself.

Cons of private rehab

  • Not everyone has the financial means to pay for rehab.
  • Private rehab can be costly (this should be balanced against what you would save if you were substance free).
  • Some people, where money is not an issue, may enter a rehab just to appease family rather than wanting to get well for themselves. Whilst this can often change during the rehab process, those who are not fully willing are more likely to not complete their treatment or require numerous episodes of private rehab treatment.
  • If you have unlimited funds for private rehab you are more likely to choose the rehab you want, not the one you need.

Which is best, private rehab or NHS rehab?

When it comes to weighing up the pros and cons of private rehab vs. NHS rehab, self funding your treatment offers many benefits that the NHS cannot.

First and foremost, the fact that you can admit immediately to a private rehab by self funding is often life saving, especially in times of crisis.

By paying for your own treatment you are also likely to take the treatment more seriously, especially if you can only afford to fund one treatment episode. The more you put into your rehab stay the more you will take away from the experience.

Paying to go private also means much more choice. This can be overwhelming when you are in a crisis and you could unintentionally opt for a regimented treatment programme that does not suit you. On the other hand, you could choose the easy option, a rehab that gives you more freedom to do what you want than is considered safe or in your best interests

Ultimately, if you are investing in life saving treatment through privately funding rehab, you want it to work and not be a waste of money or time. These are all factors that need careful consideration

Rehabilitation process at Delamere rehab clinic Detox safely in our medical facility
Healing through specialized treatment at Delamere Free collection
Holistic treatment approach at Delamere clinic Future-proof

Private residential rehab at Delamere

At Delamere we feel we have struck a perfect balance between offering bespoke, intensive and deliberately immersive treatment and making your rehab experience enjoyable, restful and most of all successful. For more information about our private rehab prices please contact us.

We adapt our treatments to our guests, rather than expecting guests to adapt to our treatments. We are CQC registered and offer fully residential medical detoxification for all manner of substance abuse problems, including prescription pills and over the counter medicines.

We also comprehensively treat dual diagnosis guests, those presenting with more than one substance addiction, those suffering from mental health co occurring illnesses and those who suffer from a behavioural manifestation of addiction such as sex, codependency or gambling.

For more information read about NHS addiction support.

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