Whilst each and every day here is different, this page gives you a sense of what to expect from your experience, should you choose to stay with us. The first thing to keep in mind is that Delamere is an immersive, stimulating and engaging place to be. Whilst there’s time for rest and recuperation, please expect to be very occupied, once you have settled in, are comfortably through your detox and the fog of active addiction has started to lift.
Whilst each and every day here is different, this page gives you a sense of what to expect from your experience, should you choose to stay with us. The first thing to keep in mind is that Delamere is an immersive, stimulating and engaging place to be. Whilst there’s time for rest and recuperation, please expect to be very occupied, once you have settled in, are comfortably through your detox and the fog of active addiction has started to lift.
We include a lot of therapy, learning, experiential and somatic healing in what we offer. Our addiction treatment programme, which is person-centred and holistic comprises 3 core modules. We call these Stop, Start & Grow.
Keep in mind your experience here will be tailored. You, your preferences, your needs and your objectives will inform your care plan, and to an extent your activities.
To give you a good idea of what to expect, we’ve chosen a typical day from each phase.
Deciding to press pause and take time out of your life to heal from addiction is a big step, yet often a very necessary one. We believe in helping guests settle in and feel comfortable and so initially we don’t put too many demands on people. During the Stop phase, our emphasis is on getting to know you and helping you break the cycle of active addiction. If you are in need of a clinical detox, you’ll be looked after predominantly by our nursing team. During the first few days you’ll meet your care team which comprises your focal counsellor, your mentor and a dedicated nurse. Once we’ve supported you through a detox (if required) we work with you on an individual basis and when you’re ready in smaller groups too. The emphasis at this stage in your wellness journey is about
8.30 – 9.15 Breakfast
9.15 – 10.45 Interactive group workshop on stress & anxiety
11.00 – 12.00 Yoga
13.00 – 13.45 Lunch
13.45 – 14.45 One to One psychotherapy
15.00 – 16.15 Introduction to mindfulness
16.15 – 16.45 Closing group check in
18.00 Table Tennis
Fire ceremony at Delamere
Once you’re feeling really settled here at Delamere and are getting to know your peers and the team that are working with you, we pick up the pace.
This middle phase of the Delamere treatment model is about helping you get to grips with whatever it is that is underpinning the behaviour or the problem area.
So often this is what we might call ‘Big T’ or ‘little T trauma’. It could also be a feeling of just not fitting in or a sense that for whatever reason life is just too painful without acting out in some way. As such we tend to have themed days during this phase of a guests journey. Here are some of the themes we work with:
Sounds heavy doesn’t it? The flow to each day and the sequence of modules is carefully designed to help you process and heal. That’s why we also offer experiential & somatic therapies are embedded into our approach.
Throughout your stay you receive a minimum of 4 one to one sessions every week with your focal therapist and you will also session with your recovery mentor and lead nurse. The colleague to guest ratio here is very high (often greater than 1:1) and there is always a colleague here to support you if you so wish.
Towards the end of your stay we start integrating the Delamere learning experience. During this phase, which we call GROW, we help you prepare a robust plan around how you are going to future proof your recovery. This includes:
Once you graduate and return home we continue to support you for 12 months. This support goes above and beyond token style aftercare and provides ways and means for you to maintain contact with your care team and your peers from Delamere.
Start your recovery journey by calling our admissions team today.
Confidential. Straightforward. Friendly.
Delamere talks about the link between addiction and neurodiverse conditions like ADHD and autism. Find out more how we can help.
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Delamere talks about the power of sleep in addiction recovery, and how important sleep quality is to your recovery.
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There has been a growing level of awareness and education about eating disorders in recent years. Delamere discusses the issue.
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