Opiate Detox

Detoxing from opiates can seem like a daunting task. Whether you’ve been using them for a long period of time or have only recently become addicted to opiates, the claws of addiction sink in quickly, making living life without them feel near impossible.

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Opiate Detox">
Opiate Detox">

Tailored opiate detox at Delamere

Unlike many other opiate detox centres in the UK, at Delamere, we don’t subscribe to a one-size-fits-all approach to opiate rehab and detox. After a full psychological and physical assessment by our team of medical professionals, Delamere guests are provided with a completely tailored opiate detox, offering a more comfortable experience than can be expected with other providers.

Our relaxing rural location combined with our comprehensive and tailored approach to opiate detox makes Delamere a safe and suitable environment to foster successful recovery and lasting change. At our private rehab clinic in rural Cheshire, we will support you through a medically assisted opiate detox to minimise, and in some cases eradicate withdrawal symptoms. Our tranquil location is the perfect setting to safely detox from opiates.

We know the courage it takes to enter into an opiate detox treatment clinic, however, many guests and family members take extreme comfort in our 24-hour on-site nursing team who are on hand to provide care and support to those suffering from opiate addiction. All medications will be issued at regular intervals by our 24-hour on-site nursing team who will continue to check on your physical and mental well-being throughout your entire stay. The flexibility provided by our round-the-clock care team has unparalleled benefits for guests’ safety, comfort, and likelihood of completing their opiate detox.

Simon reflects on his stay at Delamere

“I really quite quickly settled in, the staff were amazing, and I just felt safe and that I could just kind of put a stop to my life and start working out what I really wanted going forward.” – Simon, Former Delamere Guest

View Our Treatment Model View our Environment Call now: 0330 111 2015

The benefits of an inpatient opiate detox

The importance of seeking professional help when detoxing from opiates cannot be understated. Whether through prescribed or recreational use, when an opiate addiction has caused a physical dependency withdrawing at home without proper medical support can be extremely dangerous. Detoxing from opiates at home is possible but certainly not recommended without professional support. Going ‘cold turkey’ can have severe consequences for someone’s physical and mental health, and depending on the severity of the addiction can lead to the loss of life.

Detoxing in an opiate detox treatment clinic will always be the safest and most successful option. At Delamere, our doctors ensure each guest has a tailored withdrawal plan to support their body physically during detox. Moreover, an unsupported opiate withdrawal is far more likely to result in addiction relapse with sufferers being unable to quell drug cravings. 

If you or someone you know is suffering from an opiate addiction, you can find a safe and supported opiate detox at our discreet clinic in Cheshire.


“At Delamere, we provide a caring, compassionate, soothing environment to help people change the directions of their lives.”

Dr Catherine Carney
Psychiatrist at Delamere

‘Stop’ lays the foundations for the following stages of our rehab programme. Once you have completed your detox, staying stopped and future-proofing your abstinence is the next step. Everything we offer at Delamere aims at effective and lasting outcomes in addiction treatment:

  • Stop Icon
    Stage 1: Stop

    This phase addresses any physical aspects of your addiction. Our medical team is on hand 24/7 to ensure a safe and effective withdrawal.

  • Start Icon
    Stage 2: Start

    During ‘Start’ we help identify the psychological underpinnings of your dependency as you participate in a variety of addiction treatment therapies.

  • Grow Icon
    Stage 3: Grow

    Our ‘Grow’ phase is the process of integrating the Delamere learning experience into life after treatment.

  • Bloom Icon (Use)
    Stage 4: Bloom

    Our ‘Bloom’ phase offers intensive support on a weekly basis for the first three months of recovery once guests return home.

How to encourage a loved one to go to rehab

If you are looking to help a family member, work colleague, or loved one, admit themselves to an addiction rehabilitation centre, we’re here to help. It may be that the person in question is in denial about the extent of their problem, possibly even refusing to acknowledge that there’s a problem – and resisting professional help. At Delamere, we provide family support services and help your loved one confront addiction and denial.

Should it be necessary, we also offer intervention services whereby we take the time to understand what is happening and help prepare and rehearse a formal intervention that will culminate in your loved one entering treatment with us. If you are considering organising an intervention for your loved one, friend, or colleague, contact Delamere today.

Discuss an intervention

  • 24-hour care & support
    24-hour care & support
  • UK's only purpose build clinic
    UK's only purpose build clinic
  • All accommodation en-suite
    All accommodation en-suite
  • Discreet, private location
    Discreet, private location
  • Family programmes
    Family programmes
  • Unique, innovative treatment approach
    Unique, innovative treatment approach
  • Outcomes focused
    Outcomes focused
  • Free collection service
    Free collection service
  • Air Conditioning
    Air conditioning

Frequently asked questions about opiate detox

How long does an opiate detox take?

The length of opiate withdrawal depends on the severity of the addiction. Typically, a physical withdrawal takes around 7 days but as with all aspects of addiction, lengths of time differ from person to person.

Will I need medication to detox from opiates?

The safest and most comfortable way to detox from opiates is with approved medications. Where there is an opiate dependency, supplementing with approved medications assists your body while it withdraws from opiates.

Let us help you today

Start your recovery journey by contacting us today.

Confidential. Straightforward. Friendly.

Get the support you need Call now: 0330 111 2015

Help and support for opiate addiction

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