If you feel like your cannabis habit is out of control there is help available from the holistic therapists at Delamere wellness retreat
One of the most widely used drugs in the world and decriminalised in many countries, the availability and accessibility of cannabis makes it open to abuse. While it’s often been considered as non-addictive, regularly smoking or consuming cannabis can take its toll on your home and work life, as well as negatively impacting your health. When someone starts to prioritise taking cannabis over activities they used to enjoy or putting their cannabis habit before family and friends, they may have developed a cannabis addiction and need specialist help.
Delamere has a team of holistic therapists who are experts at helping people overcome addictions of all kinds. If you want to stop taking cannabis but are finding it difficult on your own, we can organise a clinical drug detox to help you withdraw safely. We use a variety of proven techniques to help people understand the source of their addictive behaviour and find ways to escape the vicious cycle of abusing cannabis. We can offer you an open and non-judgemental environment in restful surroundings to reconnect with yourself and move on with a life free from drugs.
If you want to stop taking cannabis, contact our team today and learn more about the different programmes we offer here at Delamere.
It’s estimated that around 30% of people who take cannabis have a disorder and around 9% become reliant on it or develop a cannabis addiction (1). People who regularly smoke or consume cannabis will experience withdrawal symptoms when they stop. These include having cravings, feeling irritable or anxious, eating and sleeping problems.
When you decide to stop taking cannabis, it’s important to do so safely. Waking up one morning and deciding to never smoke cannabis again could be dangerous if your body has become dependent on it.
Delamere provides a safe retreat for anyone looking to stop taking cannabis. We can make sure you have the right medical and nutritional support to quit cannabis with a drug detox during your residential stay with us. While withdrawing from cannabis doesn’t have the same life-threatening risks as some other drugs, the symptoms can be unpleasant and hard to manage alone. If you need help to stop taking cannabis, we can provide a caring and compassionate environment.
Before you can stop taking cannabis, it’s good to work out why you’re using it and think about ways you could cut down. You may notice patterns in your behaviour. Are you always smoking cannabis with the same people or at the same time of day? Do certain circumstances make you take more cannabis, such as before or after a stressful event? These are known as your triggers.
At Delamere, we work with our guests to discover what people, places and situations are driving addictive behaviours and help people to manage these stress responses in healthier ways. We can help you to avoid high-risk situations and give you distraction techniques to enjoy a cannabis-free life.
To commit to quitting, it sometimes helps to think about how cannabis is affecting your life and those around you. Are you always thinking about your next joint? Is smoking cannabis getting in the way of work or studies? What areas of your life would improve if you stopped taking cannabis? Many people who quit cannabis say it wasn’t as hard as they first thought. It’s all about getting the right support in place to see your goal through.
At Delamere, we use a variety of therapeutic techniques to help people overcome cannabis addiction. Part of the healing process involves visualising your life without cannabis and documenting your feelings before and during your recovery. We have a team of holistic therapists that provide one-to-one counselling and group therapy sessions to understand your motivations to stop taking cannabis and help you achieve your mission.
Think about what you’ll do instead of taking cannabis. Swapping unhealthy habits with positive ones can give you a sense of purpose and focus. You might rediscover things you once enjoyed, take up a new exercise or start interacting with old friends. Talk to people you can trust and build up a support network for your plan.
At Delamere, we actively encourage friends and family to join us on your journey. You’ll have the chance to take part in a wide range of activities in our care that nurture body, mind and spirit, from music therapy to country walks. We will help you to develop a personal future-proof plan for your recovery and support you with 12 months of aftercare to help you stay on the right path.
If you’ve tried to stop taking cannabis but struggled, Delamere is here to help. Our purpose-built residential wellness retreat is the perfect place to overcome your cannabis addiction with help from a specialist team of dedicated therapists. We can help you to have a smooth and comfortable withdrawal from cannabis with a medically assisted drug detox and ensure you have round the clock care.
Our unique three-stage approach takes every aspect of your life into consideration. We treat the physical impact of prolonged cannabis use, as well as the psychological and emotional reasons behind your cannabis addiction. By understanding why you have become reliant on cannabis to function, we can help you build resilience and tools to cope without it.
Our residential rehab programmes are varied and insightful, using evidence-based therapies and somatic healing practices to help you stop craving cannabis, start the healing process and grow beyond addiction.
Our Stop Start Grow model is a refreshing approach to treatment and is what makes recovery at Delamere different. Our goal is always to give you the mindset and tools to grow beyond addiction and live life on your terms once you leave us.
Spend time with our therapists to discover what led you to this behaviour in the first place
Delamere treatment model Delamere treatment modelSet healthy boundaries,
exciting new goals and prepare for
life after Delamere
We can help you to change your focus and move on with your life.
Find a programmeIf a friend, family member or work colleague is showing signs of cannabis addiction, it’s important they get help.
Our admissions team is on hand 24/7 to help answer any questions about our drug detox programmes and make sure your loved one gets the support they need.
Call the team today on 0330 111 2015 to discuss the different options available.
A run down of Delamere's media features in February including Daily mail, The Times, & more. Also hear about our new Nottingham clinic.
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