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There is always a risk that is involved in taking drugs, but we understand that people still might take the decision to try a new substance, or to take something a number of times in certain situations.

Whilst we mostly deal with drug addictions at Delamere, we know you may be using our website to find additional information on the topic of drugs for your own research. We have provided this resource to answer some questions you may have, in order for you to make a more informed decision about taking ketamine.

This article may be helpful for friends or work colleagues who have been discussing potential drug usage in the future, particularly at music festivals or clubbing venues.

Is it safe to take ketamine?

Ketamine is a drug that was created for use in medicine, including veterinary practice. It is a dissociative anaesthetic, which is why an overdose can accidentally happen when used by people.

Taking ketamine has certain risks which are important to be aware of. We’ve broken these risks down into these categories:

  • Mixing ketamine with other substances
  • Psychological effects
  • Accidents

Mixing ketamine with other substances

We have created additional resources all about the dangers of taking ketamine with other substances. You can read these in full by clicking the links below:

Psychological effects

If you haven’t used ketamine before, you may be unsure about how it feels to take the drug. Ketamine is a drug that can have different effects depending on the dosage, but it is likely that you will experience some psychological effects.

Harm reduction tip – those who have pre-existing mental health conditions may find that their symptoms are heightened when using ketamine. This is especially true for those who suffer with depression, anxiety and panic attacks.

Some of the psychological symptoms experienced on ketamine may include:

  • Confusion
  • Hallucinations (visual or auditory)
  • Trouble concentrating
  • Feeling disconnected with your body
  • Time and space feeling different

Accidents on ketamine

Due to the nature of the drug, there is an increased risk of accidents when taking ketamine. If you consider that it is a dissociative anaesthetic, this can lead to unforeseen dangers. For example, a person may not feel the cold outside, and then fall asleep outdoors in the middle of the winter. It also could make the user unconscious, which is especially dangerous around sources of water – even just the bath at home.

These risks increase further with the mix of ketamine and other substances, so a big part in harm reduction is to understand the interaction of ketamine and the body, as well as with other drugs.

More information

For wider information about the drug ketamine, please visit our resources section to read more. If you would like to discuss a potential detox from ketamine, and an opportunity to have drug addiction rehabilitation, call our admissions team today. Enquiries can also be made through our website by contact form, web chat or by email.

Delamere breakout area

Struggling with ketamine addiction? Talk to us today