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Are you thinking about how to treat a ketamine addiction? Whether you, or a friend or loved one is trying to kick the habit or reliance on the drug, you likely have some questions about how the process should be done.

How to stop safely

The first question to address is ‘how to stop safely?’.

  • Seek professional support
  • Choose a comfortable and safe environment
  • Ensure you have a medical team for physical and psychological withdrawal symptoms
  • After a successful detox, you will need a recovery and aftercare plan

You will want to avoid the withdrawal symptoms causing you to want to self-medicate with this (or another) substance, which is why having a suitable support team is important. The withdrawal symptoms may be uncomfortable for a couple of weeks, so the right environment is also vital so your needs can be met in healthier ways.

Thinking about aftercare is also a large part of the rehabilitation you will undergo when you stop a ketamine addiction. With a robust recovery plan, you could be in a stronger position to avoid a relapse onto the drug in the future.

Why you might be thinking about stopping

No matter what you associate as the positive highs of the drug ketamine, it will lead to temporary – and in some cases, permanent, damage or changes to the body and mind.

For example, long-term and regular users of ketamine may suffer from abdominal cramping, or even develop ketamine induced ulcerative cystitis which can have lasting effects on the body.

Here are some other reasons you may be thinking about stopping the use of ketamine:

  • Disliking the confusion or hallucinations that come with taking the drug
  • Wanting to regain control, and to stop increased panic, anxiety and paranoia
  • Improve your relationships and mood; decreasing aggressive traits
Overcoming addiction at Delamere recovery center
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The benefits of stopping

  • You may be able to improve your physical health. As referred to above, ketamine can cause lasting issues with your physical health. By quitting safely, you could prevent further damage to your body, and give it an opportunity to repair previous damage.
  • Improve your mental health. Due to the nature of the drug, ketamine can exacerbate anxiety, depression and more. Some users may also suffer with confusion or reduced cognitive abilities; feeling like they aren’t as ‘sharp’ as they used to be. Some of this could be reversed after quitting.
  • Save your relationships. There is no doubt that you will be a different person on a drug, than off it. Those who know you sober, may not like the mood changes you experience when you are on ketamine, particularly if you get heightened aggression or other similar effects.

Rehabilitation process at Delamere rehab clinic Detox safely in our medical facility
Healing through specialized treatment at Delamere Free collection
Holistic treatment approach at Delamere clinic Future-proof

Find out more

To learn more about the drug ketamine, such as the withdrawal effects and symptoms, or what it can do to your brain and body, discover our additional resources and articles on the Delamere website.

Our team is here to answer your questions about starting a ketamine detox or rehab, including current availability at our clinic; contact us by phone or online to get started.