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› Introduction
› All about ketamine
› Mixing ketamine with other drugs
› Long term effects
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Call now on 0330 111 2015You may be wondering what ketamine does to the body and the mind, and this is largely dependent on the amount taken, and the regularity of this. This resource will explain some of the effects that ketamine has on both the brain and the body, and what can happen if ketamine is mixed with other substances.
Firstly, what is ketamine?
The leading independent scientific body on drugs in the UK (Drug Science) calls ketamine a ‘dissociative anaesthetic’. Medically, ketamine is said to block pain signals, but the dosages taken for recreational purposes can produce different effects.
Does dosage matter?
Yes – ketamine can lead to different effects depending on how much is taken. Want to know how ketamine can make you feel? When it is taken for recreational use, it can lead to hallucination effects, which is thought to be similar to the experiences of people suffering from schizophrenia. Ketamine is a strong drug, and more could be taken than intended.
Let’s look at the effects of ketamine at a low or moderate dose:
With a higher does, ketamine can lead to:
It is important to be aware that mixing ketamine with other drugs can be dangerous. Mixed with a stimulant drug such as cocaine or ecstasy, ketamine could put too much pressure on your heart. Taking it with a depressant (such as alcohol or heroin) can increase the risk of unconsciousness, and can lead to breathing problems and suffocation.
Whilst it has gained a reputation of being a ‘club drug’, there are dangers with this drug which can lead to vulnerabilities in injury and death. Taking this drug can decrease your ability to make sensible decisions, and you may not notice dangers like usual.
Due to the way that ketamine can make you feel, users may also be susceptible to anxiety attacks whilst taking the drug. Users may complain from a racing heart rate and palpitations, which can lead to ongoing trauma ever after the physical effects subside.
When ketamine is taken for an extended period, it can lead to:
Mental impairment – Long-term users of ketamine may report that their mind doesn’t seem as switched on, or as ‘sharp’ as it used to. This can lead to issues in many areas of life, such as work, education and relationships.
Urinary system damage – Persistent use of ketamine more than a couple of times a week can lead to kidney and bladder damage. The damage to the bladder is known as ketamine-induced ulcerative cystitis and can progress in severity to the point of the bladder needing to be removed in the worst affected cases.
Cramping – finally, k-cramps are a symptom that affects regular users of ketamine. These cramps occur in the abdominal region, and the pain can be severe.
To understand more about ketamine, such as the withdrawal effects and symptoms, or about mixing it with alcohol, please refer to our additional resources online. The team at Delamere are here to answer any questions you may have about starting a ketamine detox or rehab; contact us by phone or online to get started.
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