This month, Prime Minister Rishi Sunak announced measures to clamp down on ‘sick note culture’ which he says is increasingly becoming a burden on the economy.
Almost 11 million fit notes were issued in England last year, with 94% of those signed being “not fit for work”, according to recent NHS data.
The Prime Minister’s words could worsen the situation further for what is a real and awful experience for millions of Brits.
Stress has long been recognised as a risk factor for developing substance misuse problems, and in recovery, stress is often a risk factor for relapse.
Whilst time limited and situational stress can be motivational and productive, chronic stress is well recognised as having a negative impact on health and wellbeing.
It is becoming widely recognised that many high functioning, successful, and financially astute professionals and business people are more likely to develop a substance misuse problem.
Previously hidden to a degree under the misnomer of the ‘high functioning alcoholic’ or ‘addict’, many people who would have previously sought help from their GP or health professional to address the associated mental health problems that come hand-in-hand with addiction, will again have to mask this issue.
This could result in worsening the situation for people already struggling with an addiction, or lead many people to turn to substance misuse as an alternative to taking time off work.
To avoid negative repercussions, we need more openness within workplace culture for employers to recognise and support issues of addiction to the same extent as physical health problems.
Addiction can compound stress and reduce the ability of an individual to cope with pressure in all areas of life, which can worsen the reliance on substances. This can lead to a vicious circle that is difficult to escape without professional help.
Working to remove stigma in the workplace will allow for the person affected to seek help and build healthier habits to cope with chronic stress.
The majority of people suffering from addiction have reported recent or chronic stress upon seeking help.
At Delamere, we’ve found that all of our guests have trauma, grief, stress or shame to work through on their journey to recovery.
Martin created Delamere in order to provide exemplary care in first class facilities. Find out more about Martin on our team page.
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