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If a family member or loved one aged over 60 becomes increasingly forgetful and disorganised, showing signs of anxiety, particularly concerning everyday tasks, and making less sense in their speech, what would be your first thought?
Perhaps a concern about whether they have developed Alzheimer’s disease, dementia, or another brain-related issue would enter your mind?
We recently spoke to Hannah Millington, a Health & Wellness Reporter at Yahoo News about why these concerns may be mislaid, and instead highlight the byproduct of a different health issue.
At Delamere, we have found that there has been an increase in the number of our guests over 60 who have family members that initially express concerns about if their loved one has Alzheimer’s disease because of the memory loss symptoms.
When this happens, our team often finds that the cause for memory loss is a result of a sustained alcohol addiction, which can be recovered through treatment. Many of these cases that we’ve treated at Delamere have shown no worrying cognitive effects after undergoing clinical detox.
Prolonged alcohol use can affect the way you view your life.
Therefore, difficulty to make decisions, control any cravings for alcohol or other substance of behavioural addictions, and stress tolerance can be impacted.
Alcohol overuse can result in Korsakoff syndrome, and the brain is deprived of thiamine and cells cannot generate enough energy for proper brain function.
Symptoms of Korsakoff syndrome and Alzheimer’s can be similar, so seeking expert medical advice is crucial to understand the long term impacts.
Alcohol addiction can come later in life for a lot of people.
There are strong links between menopause and addiction, as overwhelming symptoms, bodily changes and lack of support from the workplace and peers can lead to those affected turning to alcohol as a form of escape.
Retirement is another milestone that can cause an uplift in alcohol consumption due to the turbulence of adjusting to life without the routine of work.
For those who experience alcohol addiction for the first time in their 60s or 70s, it’s no surprise that the change is cognitive processing and other symptoms will cause family members and loved ones to grow concerned that Alzheimer’s may be the root cause.
Undergoing a clinical detox is the first step in the journey to recovery, and will help guests struggling with the Alzheimer’s-like symptoms to feel more like themselves.
At Delamere, guests will receive 24-hour care from on-site nurses during the medical detox, but we recognise that everyone is different.
Therefore, we approach detox on an individual basis, to ensure the process is smooth and that everyone’s needs are met.
Delamere’s supportive and safe environment makes it possible to rest, reflect and look forwards to life beyond addiction.
The Stop, Start, Grow, Bloom approach to recovery guides guests towards identifying the source of their alcohol addiction and provides them with the tools to grow.
Alex is the Admissions Manager at Delamere. Alex has organised more admissions into treatment than most. Find out more about Alex on our team page.
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