Category: Drug Addiction
What causes addiction?
Posted by Alex Molyneux
on 22 Mar 2020
No one thing causes addiction, rather it is a complicated mix of factors that combine to drag a person in. In fact, there is evidence that the following can all contribute to a person becoming addicted: GeneticsEnvironmentSocial groupsPersonal traumaCircumstancePhysical factors. However, there is not a specific gene that leads to addiction. There is not a…

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Drugs in football: Addiction and doping in the game
Posted by David Williams
on 27 Nov 2019
Doping is arguably far less prominent in football than in other sports such as athletics and cycling where there have been high profile cheating scandals. That said, there have been a number of cases throughout the years around footballers using illicit substances whether for the purpose of performance enhancements or otherwise. There are those who…

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Cocaine addiction: signs and symptoms
Posted by Martin Preston
on 17 Oct 2019
Signs and symptoms of cocaine addiction will vary between different people and dependent on how long they have been misusing. It can be difficult to spot the early signs as the indicators can be similar to those for other problems. The person who is addicted may also be trying to hide their addiction or convince…

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How to help a drug addict
Posted by Martin Preston
on 23 Sep 2019
If the drug use of someone you care about has become a concern to you, it’s natural to feel fearful, worried, unsure and even angry or guilty.  Perhaps you are just beginning to become anxious about someone’s drug use or maybe they have accepted they have a problem and even tried to get clean but…

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Information on how to stop taking drugs
Posted by Mandy Donnison
on 16 Sep 2019
“Changing entrenched patterns of drug-using behaviour is difficult, requires concerted effort and a range of internal and external resources,” a report by a group of leading clinicians said. These are the words of people whose life’s work has been in supporting the treatment and recovery of people facing problem drug use, the clinicians who collaborated…

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