Attachment disorder and addiction
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Posted by Alex Molyneux
on 29 Aug 2022
Attachment disorders are emotional or behavioural problems that affect people’s ability to form bonds with family members or caregivers. They usually begin in early childhood if an infant’s basic needs are unmet or they’re exposed to abuse, trauma or neglect. There is a strong link between attachment disorder and addiction because if these psychiatric illnesses…

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Is substance addiction affecting your relationships?
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Posted by Alex Molyneux
on 19 Jul 2022
When you have a recurring desire to keep taking drugs or alcohol, despite harmful consequences, it can affect relationships with partners, colleagues, family and friends. Substance addiction is a chronic disease that affects the brain and makes it impossible for the person to control their behaviour. This can have far-reaching consequences from marriage breakdowns and…

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What is a functioning alcoholic?
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Posted by Alex Molyneux
on 22 Jun 2022
The stereotypical alcoholic portrayed in films is a jobless, homeless individual with a lack of morals and few discerning qualities. In truth, alcohol use disorders affect people from all walks of life and it’s not always easy to spot who’s suffering. Anyone who can’t control the urge to drink, consumes a large volume of alcohol…

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Fentanyl Addiction: Signs, Symptoms and Treatment 
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Posted by Alex Molyneux
on 02 Mar 2022
Up to one hundred times more potent than morphine, fentanyl is a strong narcotic opioid that is frequently abused (1). Often prescribed for chronic pain due to an accident, surgery or cancer, fentanyl is widely considered safe and effective when prescribed by medical professionals. It was originally used as an anaesthetic as it offers fast-acting…

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Psychedelic-assisted Therapy: Help or Hindrance?
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Posted by Alex Molyneux
on 07 Feb 2022
Psychedelic therapy is a technique that involves the use of psychedelic substances to aid the therapeutic process. Hallucinogenic substances have been used in holistic medicine and for spiritual practices by various cultures for thousands of years, yet their efficacy is still somewhat inconsistent and relatively unknown. In the ’50s and ’60s, research on psychedelics began…

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What Is Flakka And Why Is It So Dangerous?  
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Posted by Alex Molyneux
on 19 Jan 2022
It might be a term of endearment in Latin America, but “la flaca” means something entirely different in the international drug world. Spanish for ‘pretty, skinny girl who charms all she meets’, Flakka is a highly addictive designer drug known for its ability to make people go crazy. Horrific stories of Flakka addicts displaying bizarre behaviour including running through the streets naked, gaining superhuman strength and engaging in violent acts, have led to…

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Codeine Withdrawal: Signs, Symptoms And Treatment
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Posted by Alex Molyneux
on 26 Dec 2021
Codeine withdrawal symptoms - like withdrawal symptoms from most drugs - can be a pretty nasty experience. Withdrawal symptoms are the effects felt by a substance-dependent individual after a prolonged period without the substance in their system. It’s their body’s response to not getting what it needs to function as a result of the dependency…

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Alcohol Shakes: Are They A Sign Of Alcoholism?
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Posted by Alex Molyneux
on 22 Dec 2021
We all have a different relationship with alcohol. For some, it’s a means of loosening up after a hard week’s work or celebrating big life events. For others, alcohol can become something much more destructive. Some people are more susceptible to becoming substance dependent than others and people can build a dependency on alcohol for…

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The Effects Of Substance Misuse
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Posted by Alex Molyneux
on 07 Dec 2021
Substance misuse affects millions of people around the world every year and can be extremely harmful to our health. Misusing substances can quickly lead to dependency and addiction, where cognitive, behavioural and physiological problems develop. Being on substances to get you through the day can make you feel lost and powerless. Like your life is…

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What Is An Alcohol or Drug Detox
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Posted by Alex Molyneux
on 02 Apr 2021
An alcohol or drug detox is a palliative intervention designed to reduce the symptoms of withdrawal whilst the body goes through the process of detoxification There are various ways, methods and means of detoxing from alcohol or drugs but not all are safe.  If you or a loved one suffer from a drug or alcohol…

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