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The best time of year to go to alcohol rehab

Posted by Mike Delaney
on 30 Nov 2020

Would you believe if we said that Christmas is actually the best time of year to undergo alcohol treatment? Probably not – afterall, who wants to spend time away from family and friends over the festive period, but there are some very good reasons why.

Many people that suffer with alcoholism wait until a crisis hits before they finally submit to asking for help. Others delay seeking much needed treatment as they feel the timing is wrong, perhaps they feel needed by their family or cannot take time off work.

The trouble with delaying treatment for an alcohol addiction is that things will only get progressively worse. We say this, not only out of experience, but medically this is a proven fact.

Spending time in our alcohol rehab over Christmas, may initially sound unappealing. However, Christmas is actually the perfect time for anyone suffering from an alcohol problem to undergo life saving treatment. Here, we at Delamere explain the the reasons why…

The best present of all

If you suffer from a drug or alcohol addiction, there is no doubt that your family will feel anxious with the festive period approaching. 

Loved ones of those that suffer from a substance misuse disorder generally dread the Christmas holidays. They know that Christmas provides the perfect excuse for overindulging in all things that are generally bad for us. 

For someone who suffers from alcoholism, Christmas is a period where drinking is often accelerated. We know this by the large intake of new rehab admissions during January, which is often the busiest time of year for those that work in the alcohol treatment sector.

It is also a proven fact that domestic violence associated with alcohol also drastically increases over Christmas. Excessive drinking can turn some problematic drinkers into very unreasonable and even aggressive and violent individuals.

The best present you can give to your family and to yourself is to undertake a life saving treatment programme within residential rehab. 

Your family will undoubtedly feel immense relief and reassured that you are safe and undergoing treatment. For yourself, just imagine starting the new year sober, looking and feeling completely different with a brand new life to look forward to!

‘I was admitted to an alcohol rehab for 8 weeks, 4 years ago. This meant staying during the Christmas and new year period. Personally, I knew I wouldn’t have survived much longer and with the festive season looming I had to take drastic action. It meant leaving my husband and two young children behind but if I hadn’t, I might not be here today. Yes there were some difficult times where I felt I was missing out, but over all the comradery and festive spirit was well and truly alive within the safety of the treatment centre I attended.

Had I stayed at home it would have been just another year where I felt I didn’t have to hide my drinking and so would drink even more, causing drama, upset and arguments. In short, ruining Christmas for everyone else. It was honestly the best gift I could have given both myself and my family!’

From a Delamere Recovery Mentor
Struggling with alcohol? Talk to us this Christmas

No need to be lonely this Christmas

Not everyone has family and loved ones around them at Christmas. In fact those that suffer from addiction have a tendency to isolate so that it is easier to hide the extent of their problem from others. 

There is no lonelier time of the year as when you see others celebrating with their families, whilst you drown your sorrows alone. 

Admitting to Delamere over the christmas period, we guarantee you will never feel alone. We have a high counsellor to patient ratio and 24/7 availability for our guests. Not only will you have the company and professional support of our colleagues  but you will also be with like minded others going through the same experience. 

At Delamere we celebrate christmas and ensure all of our guests not only feel part of the family atmosphere we create, but that they also enjoy themselves. 

Experiencing your first Christmas clean and sober with Delamere will also pave the way for future Christmas’s. You will learn much needed coping strategies and undergo intensive healing that will enable you to enjoy your future free from addiction.

Space and time to recuperate safely

For many, Christmas certainly isn’t the most wonderful time of the year. Christmas can take its toll both physically, mentally and emotionally. 

For those unwell and suffering from addiction, the prospect of christmas shopping, cleaning and cooking can understandably feel overwhelming.

At Delamere we provide a very compassionate, nurturing and healing environment for all of our guests. We monitor our guests’ needs very closely so there is rarely a need to ask for anything. 

We take the hard work out of detoxification by providing 24 hour professional nursing care 7 days a week and ensuring your comfort and safety at all times.

At Delamere we strive to go over and above our guests expectations, providing them with a level of service never experienced in the industry before. Instead of worrying about the stress of christmas we will take care of all of your needs so that you can relax and focus on getting well.

‘The thing that struck me the most about Delamere was that nothing was ever too much trouble and more often than not it was like they could read my mind. For example, towards the end of my detox my mind started to wander and I started to feel great guilt around the pain I had inflicted on my family.The staff monitoring me could tell I was in mental turmoil and without even having to say anything, supported me even more’

A previous guest a Delamere

Make the most of holiday time

Over the christmas and new year period, in addition to time off work, there are also bank holidays. Taking leave at this time of year will not be questioned by any employer. It is natural to want to take as much time off work as possible over the festive period.

Many individuals who need help and treatment for an addiction delay rehab treatment as they don’t want to raise suspicion at work. Whilst the reality is that colleagues will already have a very good idea they are suffering. 

Alcoholism is impossible to keep hidden for very long, you will have the added reassurance that your treatment with us will be in complete confidence.

Including the bank holidays, it may be possible for you to attend between 2 and four weeks inpatient alcohol rehab. We at Delamere make sure that every day spent with us is a day that counts towards your ongoing sobriety.

Imagine returning back home to your family and to work sober, feeling physically and mentally free from addiction. This could be your reality if you choose to stay with us for alcohol treatment over the christmas period.

A story about recovery at Christmas

‘Before recovery, Christmas was all about the alcohol. I would usually emerge in the new year with little recollection of events over the festive season. 

Family would be upset, as usual, I had left the Christmas dinner table, repelling at the thought of food, returning to alcohol and drugs just to get me through the day. 

Looking back I was incredibly selfish, when I wasn’t drinking I was recovering from drinking. Christmas, I felt, gave me ‘the right’ to drink openly and do as I wished. 

The last few Christmas’s before recovery were miserable. I spent them alone. Divorced and separated from my children as a direct result of my actions around my addiction, I would blot out my regrets, loneliness and sadness. I was a pitiful sight. Alcohol and pills were my only ‘friends’

Now Christmas is about the festive lights, family, the excitement and anticipation from my children. I’m part of family now at Christmas and have my ‘extended family’ in recovery. We all support each other through good times and bad.

I literally wasted so many Christmas’s not realising the true spirit of Christmas comes from within. 

My first sober Christmas I spent in rehab, I’m so glad I did. We had sober celebrations, sober karaoke and a dance for new year… all without the temptation of a drink! 

I could actually eat and enjoy Christmas dinner. My family were relieved to say the least. It also meant that I had the tools for future Christmas’s. That was 8 years ago. It was the best investment a made in myself. 

This Christmas I’m looking forwards to waking up with my children and spoiling them. It’s no longer about me. The warmth and love I feel for them I never thought was possible. Just hearing them laugh lights me up inside. 

What I have today would not have been possible had I not sought out help when I did. For the sake of one Christmas’s in a rehab I have the gift of a lifetime of Christmas’s with my beloved children and family. As a mother, it’s the best gift I could have given!’

What is alcohol rehab like at christmas?

You may think that being in an alcohol rehab over christmas is a worst case scenario. In fact, here at Delamere it couldn’t be further from the truth. We put a lot of thought and planning into Christmas and New year to ensure that our guests can still enjoy the festivities.

Whilst our primary role will be to help get you well, our colleagues will make every effort to help you feel like Christmas can still be celebrated in a traditional way – but without alcohol.

Our chef, who is always complemented by our guests for the delicious dishes she prepares, will ensure that a selection of traditional christmas dinners are available. In addition to decorating our first class rehab facility with beautiful christmas decorations we will also be arranging activities for our guests to enjoy.

At Delamere we are all about bringing families back together, so there will be the opportunity to make video calls and telephone calls to family members in addition to the sheduled visiting times

Christmas time retreat

If you are in recovery from addiction and feel that christmas will be a vulnerable time for you, or even a lonely time, you can always opt to spend Christmas within the safety of Delamere. 

Here, you will receive all the support and treatment you need to reboot your recovery. Enabling you to return back home in the new year feeling refreshed, focused and stronger in your recovery.

Delamere offers first class accommodation of the highest standard and comfort. We are situated within acres of secluded breathtaking countryside and woodlands. 

During our christmas time retreat you will have the opportunity to benefit from our private gym, connect back with nature and undergo a bespoke treatment plan to help you feel truly confident on your return back home.

‘I previously underwent treatment with Delamere rehab at the beginning of the Covid pandemic. Recently I’ve been finding recovery hard going, due to the current climate and knowing this will be the first christmas without my wife, having tragically lost her at the beginning of the year to illness.  Approaching christmas has left me feeling highly stressed and emotionally vulnerable with too much free time on my hands during lockdown. 

I know the outstanding standards of treatment that Delamere provides and know that for me there is no safer or better place to spend christmas. I will be investing in my spiritual, emotional and mental wellbeing. In their hands I will be safe. I see this as the best possible gift I could give to myself at this current time. 

It may sound crazy but i’m actually really looking forwards to going back to Delamere over Christmas, I know I will be in great company and come out feeling rested and much stronger in my recovery’

Previous guest at Delamere

What happens after christmas rehab?

After completing treatment over the christmas period, our support does not end. We offer weekly aftercare sessions, held here at Delamere. Our multidisciplinary team of distinguished counsellors, therapists, doctors and support workers will place a special emphasis on your transition back into day to day living in the community.

Our treatment programmes are truly bespoke and individually designed to cover each guest’s personal treatment needs. We go over and above to ensure that what you achieve whilst here at Delamere does not come unravelled when you return back home. Your recovery will be completely full proofed by our team and ensure that no stone is left unturned, that every eventuality is planned for.

Entrance to Delamere

To find out more about how we can help you or a loved one over the coming few months to recover from alcoholism, or to keep your recovery safe please call and speak to a member of our team.

A word from our Founder

Active addiction is a lonely and stressful existence, regardless of the time of year. When coupled with the pressure and expectations of Christmas, however, those struggling with or affected by addiction can spiral into a helpless, hopeless state – all during a time when we’re supposed to be jolly.  Christmas is of course a time with a lot of expectation – don’t the celebrations seem to start earlier every year – and isn’t it a time that we’re meant to look forward to?  The ghosts of Christmas’s past however often haunt a family that are living alongside someone who has a drinking or drug problem.  The thought of another Christmas ruined can be a terrifying prospect.  At a time of year when people come together and families spend a lot of time with one another, that person who is otherwise hiding their active addiction may struggle to keep their problem under wraps.  Resentment brews, families argue and the consequences of addiction pile up on top of one another.  Festive cheer is often ruined by addiction.

Christmas is a busy time here at Delamere and our admissions teams see a greater number of enquiries during the period.  The number of people who retreat into treatment over Christmas is considerable.  Often the family will reach out as they can’t face the thought of another Christmas ruined.  Committing to and entering treatment over Christmas makes a lot of sense and for us it’s very much another day.  We’re always mindful that guests can become homesick at this time of year so we blend some extra fun and festivities into our programme.  I was in rehab myself over Christmas many moons ago and have to say I thoroughly enjoyed it.  Being able to relax at a time of year I’d always found very stressful was a real tonic and since sober Christmases have been the best I’ve ever had.

Struggling with alcohol? Talk to us this Christmas

About the author: Mike Delaney

Mike crafted our innovative and person centred approach to addiction treatment. Mike’s experience in the addiction treatment sector encompasses his work as a nurse, psychotherapist and Chief Executive.

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