Category: Addiction Recovery
Is the stigma around addiction changing?
Posted by Mike Delaney
on 07 Apr 2023

The stigma around addiction can be traced back to the early 1800s. Over the hundred years that followed ‘alcoholics’ were labelled, clinicians who treated ‘addicts’ were criminalised, and ethnic groups were marginalised. Fast forward to present day and the stigma around addiction has changed, but still remains.

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The neurobiology of addiction: exploring brain changes that occur with substance use and addiction
Posted by Martin Preston
on 17 Mar 2023

Addiction is a brain disease. That’s what the NDA’s former director, Dr. Alan Leshner, proclaimed in his 1997 pivotal paper and countless others have supported this theory over the past quarter of a century. More recently, advancements in neuroscience and addiction research have continued to show that drug and alcohol addiction is less about how we behave and more about what’s going on deep inside our brains.

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The impact of addiction on family and relationships
Posted by Mike Delaney
on 28 Feb 2023

Seeing a loved one fall into alcohol or drug addiction can be a hugely painful experience. While you care deeply for the person affected, their behaviour can leave you feeling angry, helpless, guilty, frightened, lonely, exhausted and disappointed. Often the person suffering with addiction is blind to the destruction they’re causing, which can make accessing help extremely challenging.

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How the cost-of-living impacts addiction
Posted by Youssef
on 13 Jan 2023

Whether it’s rising fuel costs or energy prices soaring, most Brits are really feeling the pinch. Earlier this year, a national survey reported that 23% of households were finding it difficult to pay their bills.

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Relapse and what to do about it
Posted by Martin Preston
on 05 Dec 2022

Relapse is common. Between 80-95% of people who have undergone treatment for drug or alcohol addiction relapse within one year (1). This is because chronic recurring brain disorders can’t be cured. Instead, they need to be managed.

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Preventing an addiction relapse at Christmas
Posted by Mandy Donnison
on 28 Nov 2022

Christmas is a special time of year for most families, but for people recovering from addiction it can be fraught with stress. Suddenly, the same demons you’re trying to suppress become everyone else’s accepted norm.

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Living with addiction at Christmas: how to get help
Posted by Youssef
on 21 Nov 2022

It’s supposed to be the most wonderful time of the year. A chance for people to get together, celebrate their blessings and overindulge in all things nice.

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Is addiction a disease?
Posted by Youssef
on 25 Oct 2022

At Delamere, we know how important it is to recognise alcohol addiction and drug addiction as a chronic brain disease. Without this definition, many people who suffer with SUDs are misunderstood.

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Using Creative Expression To Heal Trauma
Posted by Sally Hopkins
on 05 May 2022
Trauma doesn’t affect everyone, but it is surprisingly common. In a global survey of 24 countries, 70% of people said they had experienced a traumatic event. Witnessing death or serious injury; the unexpected death of a loved one; being mugged; being in a life-threatening car accident; and experiencing a life-threatening illness or injury, accounted for…

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The Benefits Of Exercise In Addiction Recovery
Posted by Martin Preston
on 15 Apr 2022
It boosts mood, protects against illness and improves sleep. Physical activity has long been associated with health and well-being and the benefits of exercise in addiction recovery are well documented. Studies reveal that regular aerobic exercise can prevent illicit drug use and alcohol abuse while also increasing the rate of abstinence, reducing cravings and lowering…

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