Category: Alcohol Addiction
A Guide To Christmas In Recovery
Posted by Mike Delaney
on 14 Dec 2021
Christmas time can be a daunting period in recovery. Especially if it’s your first. A time full of celebrations, parties and festive fun can offer various challenges for your recovery and can feel like a minefield of opportunities for relapse. Although you may feel like avoiding Christmas altogether, it’s important for you to socialise, spend…

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What Is Dry Drunk Syndrome?
Posted by Mandy Donnison
on 12 Dec 2021
What is Dry Drunk Syndrome? Dry Drunk Syndrome is described by members of Alcoholics Anonymous as “the presence of actions and attitudes that characterised the alcoholic prior to recovery”. A ‘dry drunk’ will typically start turning back to destructive habits and ignoring the positive mantras they have developed to aid their sobriety. Dry drunk syndrome is…

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The Effects Of Substance Misuse
Posted by Alex Molyneux
on 07 Dec 2021
Substance misuse affects millions of people around the world every year and can be extremely harmful to our health. Misusing substances can quickly lead to dependency and addiction, where cognitive, behavioural and physiological problems develop. Being on substances to get you through the day can make you feel lost and powerless. Like your life is…

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How To Avoid An Alcohol Relapse
Posted by Martin Preston
on 04 Dec 2021
Recognising you have a problem with alcohol is the first step to recovery. We help people to overcome alcohol addiction in a relaxed, supportive and non-judgemental environment at our purpose-built retreat beside Delamere forest. Our unique Treatment Model takes guests on a transformative journey from medically supported detoxification through to full alcohol rehab. During our…

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The UK Drug and Alcohol Use Survey 2021
Posted by Mike Delaney
on 25 Aug 2021

Drug and alcohol use has touched millions of peoples lives in the UK for many years. In England, there are an estimated 586,780 dependent drinkers. Only 18% are receiving treatment.

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How to stop binge drinking alcohol?
Posted by Martin Preston
on 02 May 2021
Contents What is binge drinking? Short-term effects of binge drinking Dangers of binge drinking and its long-term effects Who binge drinks? What causes binge drinking? Why cant I control my drinking? How do I stop binge drinking? Treatment for binge drinking References If you want to stop binge drinking but are wondering how to go…

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20 Best Quotes of Sobriety
Posted by Mike Delaney
on 23 Apr 2021
During recovery from addiction, there are often times when we need a boost to start our day or give us motivation to keep on going. During these times, we may turn to spiritual practices or sobriety quotes for some inspiration. Love them or hate them inspirational quotes have been around for many, many years. Some…

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How to deal with an alcoholic partner
Posted by Mandy Donnison
on 11 Apr 2021
Dealing with an alcoholic partner is not easy; an alcoholics behaviour and actions make little logical sense to others, they are often selfish and inconsiderate. As someone who loves them, it is likely you will struggle to understand why they seemingly continue to choose alcohol over you and over others. Surely, if they loved you…

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What Is An Alcohol or Drug Detox
Posted by Alex Molyneux
on 02 Apr 2021
An alcohol or drug detox is a palliative intervention designed to reduce the symptoms of withdrawal whilst the body goes through the process of detoxification There are various ways, methods and means of detoxing from alcohol or drugs but not all are safe.  If you or a loved one suffer from a drug or alcohol…

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How to deal with an alcoholic parent
Posted by Youssef
on 12 Mar 2021
Dealing with an alcoholic parent can be extremely difficult, challenging and downright heartbreaking.  Any parent should care for and protect their own child; this doesn’t necessarily happen with an alcoholic parent. Sadly, all too often, the roles tragically become reversed.  Challenging an alcoholic parent can be daunting. No parent wants to be told they are…

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