Category: Alcohol Addiction
Why menopause and alcohol don’t mix
Posted by Mandy Donnison
on 18 Oct 2022
Insomnia, hot flushes, mood swings, brain fog…who wouldn’t reach for a glass of wine when faced with a barrage of uncontrollable, and incredibly unpleasant, symptoms. But the regular tipple that’s helping you sleep, feel calm and manage your untamed emotions could be doing you more harm than good. The biological changes that happen in a…

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How much does alcohol rehab cost?
Posted by Youssef
on 22 Sep 2022
If you’ve been struggling with alcohol for a long time, you may have contemplated checking into an alcohol rehab facility. Perhaps you’ve already tried to quit on your own or even attended outpatient services that haven’t been successful. Sometimes alcohol addiction reaches a point when only a residential rehab programme will help you to stay…

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Drug and Alcohol Use Survey 2022
Posted by Martin Preston
on 11 Aug 2022
Many Brits find themselves in the pub more often when the summer months creep in. So, it leads us to wonder why people are more drawn to alcohol and substances during this time: is it because more people are doing it, so they feel less guilty? Is it due to increased promotion and advertisements around…

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The Festival Season & Addiction
Posted by Martin Preston
on 25 Jul 2022
Coachella, Glastonbury, Tomorrowland, Creamfields, every year countries around the world play host to music festivals covering every genre, age bracket and budget. The festival season in the UK and overseas has exploded in the last decade, propelled further by the lifting of COVID-19 restrictions. At most festivals you can camp over for several days, creating…

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What is a functioning alcoholic?
Posted by Alex Molyneux
on 22 Jun 2022
The stereotypical alcoholic portrayed in films is a jobless, homeless individual with a lack of morals and few discerning qualities. In truth, alcohol use disorders affect people from all walks of life and it’s not always easy to spot who’s suffering. Anyone who can’t control the urge to drink, consumes a large volume of alcohol…

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Dangerous Drinking Culture Mapped
Posted by Mike Delaney
on 20 Jun 2022
While enjoying a casual alcoholic beverage on the weekend is unlikely to cause any harm to your health, drinking in excess can have a substantial negative effect on your body and mental well-being. In fact, in 2020, excessive alcohol use led to 8,974 deaths in the UK alone, an 18.6% increase from 2019, which is…

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The Impact of Remote Work on Addiction
Posted by Youssef
on 21 Mar 2022
In March 2020, the world suddenly came to a stop. Restaurants and bars shut. Non-essential contact was banned, and millions of people were told to work from home. The COVID-19 pandemic was about to change the way we work forever. For many, remote working has been a blessing. No more wasted hours on a long…

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How To Stop Drinking Alcohol Every Night 
Posted by Sally Hopkins
on 28 Feb 2022
It kills more than 3 million people each year, causes more than 200 diseases and shortens our lifespan, yet alcohol is legal, accessible and socially acceptable (1). We think nothing of downing a glass of wine after a tough day or going for a quick beer after work. We drink to celebrate, relax, escape and…

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Secret Drinking: Spotting The Signs Of Alcoholism
Posted by Martin Preston
on 28 Dec 2021
Many people aren’t aware their partner, friend or family member is drinking too much. Secret drinking is a warning sign that someone has a problem with alcohol when a social lubricant slips into a destructive habit. If you’re worried that you, or someone you know, is secretly drinking, there is help available. Residential clinics, like…

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Alcohol Shakes: Are They A Sign Of Alcoholism?
Posted by Alex Molyneux
on 22 Dec 2021
We all have a different relationship with alcohol. For some, it’s a means of loosening up after a hard week’s work or celebrating big life events. For others, alcohol can become something much more destructive. Some people are more susceptible to becoming substance dependent than others and people can build a dependency on alcohol for…

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