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Introduction to the Delamere Treatment Model

Personalized counseling at Delamere addiction center">
Posted by Mike Delaney
on 21 Mar 2019

In this blog, our Clinical Director, Mike Delaney outlines how we approach addiction treatment at Delamere.  Mike has some forty years’ experience of helping people grow beyond addiction and we hope you’ll enjoy reading about what makes our programme unique and innovative.

The Delamere Model is a new and Innovative treatment concept, developed by renowned recovery professionals who have decades of experience working in the UK Treatment and Rehabilitation Sector.  It is the first bespoke model which provides a fully tailored individual programme where no two guests have the same treatment experience, they each have a regularly reviewed Personal Development Plan, which is fluid and designed to accommodate the changing emotional and physical nature of early addiction recovery and self-discovery.

Our model is provided in 4 phases:

STOP: This is the cleansing/detoxification phase where guests will be looked after in our dedicated detox facility within Delamere. Here guests are cared-for by skilled and experienced Nurses 24 hrs per day. Unlike other models, guests are not be forced to engage with the treatment model at this stage; they have already shown great courage and commitment by coming into treatment we provide a gentle and compassionate atmosphere for guests to detoxify and begin to find their feet. 

This phase is managed separately from other modules and helps to prepare those who will be moving into the next phase with us.  During STOP we begin to look at areas such as Anxiety, Stress, Mindfulness, Breathwork and education as well as beginning the timeline of addiction as well as fully assessing guests using the Schema Inventory System

Personal Development Programmes and weekly Clinical Reviews begin in this phase and themes for future work are beginning to emerge. The model is totally different from other models and the guest is at the centre of every decision the clinical team makes. Once a plan has been agreed by the team it is discussed with each guest and the PDP is signed by the guest to show agreement to the plan.

“Our programme is about inclusion, compassion, acceptance and change. We welcome our guests into these beautiful surroundings and offer them an opportunity to engage with us and to change their lives. This is a very frightening prospect for the majority of them so an open and non-judgemental attitude is a pre-requisite.  Carl Rogers said “We think we listen but very rarely do we listen with real understanding and true empathy. Yet listening, of this very special kind, is one of the most potent forces for change that I know”

Overcoming addiction at Delamere recovery center
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START: Our second phase is the introduction to our more intensive, structured treatment model where guests should be feeling stronger, healthier and more confident to engage with other peers and counsellors. Again, this is unlike other models as our model is not a 12-step format however it has influences from successful abstinence-based treatments/interventions.  As guests begin to “defrost” and emerge from the addictive fog, The Delamere programme is there to identify and explain the many emotional triggers which begin to make themselves evident. Group Therapy/Peer Support begins and guests begin to take back some responsibility and begin to accept some accountability back into the lives. A focal Addictions Therapist is allocated to each guest and becomes their mentor/advocate for all therapeutic aspects of their stay. They will receive bi-weekly one to one counselling sessions in addition to their group therapy programme and within this relationship, individualised personal development work will be “prescribed” directly from therapist or following weekly Clinical Review.

Topics during this phase may include:

  • Trauma/Abuse
  • Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACE)
  • Shame and Guilt
  • Life-Scripts
  • Stress
  • Anxiety
  • Grief
  • Specific 12-step work if prescribed

These will be covered by a range of interventions, written work and creative assignments including mini-groups, worksheets and one to one counselling.  At Delamere we have also extensively researched a range of effective Somatic and Complimentary Treatments such as Evolutionary Breathwork, Yoga, Massage, Trauma Release Exercises (TRE) and Equine Facilitated Psychotherapy (EFP) which are embedded as an integral part of our unique and cutting- edge treatment model.

GROW: This phase of treatment is what we call “Future Proofing” and is the process of integrating the Delamere learning experience into life after treatment. By the time guests reach this stage we have identified a series of risks/triggers as well as risky behaviours/personality traits which need to be kept in check following treatment. Guests will be supported to create a detailed plan for returning home which may also include a series of overnight stays with family in order to identify previously unidentified situations/triggers. Delamere can offer staff to support these stays if the guest is anxious or worried about returning home without support.

BLOOM: Bring recovery home. We support with 12 dedicated weekly modules to bolster your early recovery on your return home. Bloom provides sector leading intermediate care; this can be done online, in Cheshire, or at Delamere. Find out more about Bloom today.

Some of the components to our “Future Proofing” Model are

  • Effective boundaries
  • Relapse Prevention
  • Triggers and Strategies
  • Relationships and Communication
  • Intimacy/Sex and abstinence
  • Professional life/Business/Employment
  • Delamere Support
  • Renewal Retreats
  • Family Support

These modules are not rigid in nature and guests can return to specific modules if progress is slow and blocks are identified. Everyone is different so there is no expectation of where guests “should be” in their treatment experience. The modules are designed so that guests can have maximum benefit from them whether a four, six or eight week stay. 

The culmination of the treatment programme is the graduation ceremony where the guest will invite friends and family and will present their “Life-Masterpiece” to their peer group and therapists, giving an opportunity to really feel seen and heard by all concerned and giving a clear plan as to how they intend to grow in their future life

Overcoming addiction at Delamere recovery center
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The Delamere Treatment Model
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The Delamere Treatment Model
Read about the Delamere treatment model on our blog, our unique form of hoslitic therapy. Call us to discuss treatments on 0330 111 2015.
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Delamere Rehab
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Hope and healing for a sober future at Delamere

About the author: Mike Delaney

Mike crafted our innovative and person centred approach to addiction treatment. Mike’s experience in the addiction treatment sector encompasses his work as a nurse, psychotherapist and Chief Executive.

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